Denim Mini Course
Everything about jeans, history, the making, the vocabulary, and all the jeans types for your body. +Bonuses Glamour
Message from Frederique
1. What is denim
2. Types of denim
3. Jeans height
4. Jeans styles - Part 1
4. Jeans styles - Part 2
Madhavi P.
Michele A.
Sharon F.
Discover what your body type is and the best clothes to look the best. +Bonus Glamour what to wear for each event!
Must-see course all about colours for your hair, skin, makeup and so much more! +Bonuse Glamour
Learn how to organize your wardrobe like a pro once and for all. +Bonuses Inspiration + Glamour
Your complete guide to starting your unique styling journey.
Build your confidence, and strengths and maintain your positivity all year round. + Bonus Inspiration
Create your unique styling signature to stand out from the crowd.+ Bonus Glamour