Body Type Mini Course
Discover what your body type is and the best clothes to look the best. +Bonus Glamour what to wear for each event!
Message from Frederique
Let's define your body type
What is an apple body?
Best tops apple
Best jeans apple
Best dresses/accessories apple
Outfit ideas apple
What is a pear body?
Best tops pear
Best jeans pear
Best dresses pear
Outfit ideas pear
What is an inverted triangle?
Best tops triangle
Best jeans/pants triangle
Outfit ideas triangle
Best dresses triangle
What is an hourglass body?
Best jeans/pants hourglass
Best tops hourglass
Best dresses hourglass
Outfit ideas hourglass
Gail M.
Constance M.
Diane G.
Everything about jeans, history, the making, the vocabulary, and all the jeans types for your body. +Bonuses Glamour
Must-see course all about colours for your hair, skin, makeup and so much more! +Bonuse Glamour
Build your confidence, and strengths and maintain your positivity all year round. + Bonus Inspiration
Your complete guide to starting your unique styling journey.
Learn how to organize your wardrobe like a pro once and for all. +Bonuses Inspiration + Glamour
Create your unique styling signature to stand out from the crowd.+ Bonus Glamour